DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

ePortfolio Upload and Formatting Guidelines

You are responsible for following these guidelines for ALL ePortfolio assignments. Not following these guidelines means you will lose points on your ePortfolio assignments.

Upload Guidelines:


After completing each ePortfolio assignment according to its instructions (posted on Blackboard), upload your work to BOTH Blackboard AND your ePortfolio by the deadline. ALL of the items on this CHECKLIST, as applicable to each individual assignment, must be included:

*your written assignment
*MLA style citations for your sources
*PDFs of any Lehman library database articles you used as your sources (use the "Insert Media" icon in the toolbar (NOT the "Insert File" icon)
*Images or video clips (use the "Insert Media" icon in the toolbar or add a hyperlink to external or large video files)

*captions for any images or video clips. Captions must answer as many as of the following questions as possible: Who? What? Where? When?


All ePortfolio assignments must be uploaded to Blackboard AND your ePortfolio at the same time. Students who only upload an ePortfolio assignment to Blackboard by its deadline, but not to their ePortfolio, will lose 10 points on that assignment. Students who only upload an ePortfolio assignment to their ePortfolio by its deadline, but not to Blackboard, will receive zero points for that assignment.

Formatting Guidelines:


*Start working on a content area by clicking the "Edit" tab.

*Paste your written assignment, including your MLA-style citation(s), into the corresponding section/text box of your ePortfolio. Never type directly into the text box but work from a saved document.

*Use the "Insert Media" (NOT the "Insert File") icon in the toolbar above for adding PDFS, images, or video clips.


*Use the “Insert/Edit Link” in the toolbar of the ePortfolio text box to add hyperlinks. The “Link” function only becomes operational after you highlight a section of text in your text box. Links should be used if you are unable to upload a video clip through “Insert Media” because the file is embedded on an external website or because the file is too large. 


*Before you finalize an ePortfolio assignment, imagine that your writing could appear in a program for a production of your assigned play and/or on a theatre company’s website. With that in mind, please proofread! Sloppy work will lower your grade.

*ALWAYS "Save" then click on the "Publish" tab, then click on "Publish Changes" to make your work visible to viewers of your ePortfolio. Many students forget one or more of these steps, so please check your ePortfolio carefully before you log out to make sure your classmates will be able to see your work. Anytime you see a red line with the phrase, "DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes," only you can see your latest changes and you must "Publish" your work for your classmates to be able to view it.


*For more ePortfolio formatting tips, download the "Quick Start Guide" PDF after you click on the "Home" tab in the top left corner of your screen.


*You may also find the LAGCC ePortfolio tutorials helpful:



*This ePortfolio is a template that your professor set up for your semester-long Dramaturgy ePortfolio assignment. If you find you need to make layout changes for a better display of your research and writing in one or two sections, feel free to "Add A Module" and experiment.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.